Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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05/10/17 AA -- Methotrexate Review Dashboard Item

From: Aaron Atkins

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 3:58:49 PM

Subject: NEW: Methotrexate Review Dashboard Item 5/10/17


In an effort to screen for Home Medication History errors specific to methotrexate, there will be a new Dashboard item activated Thursday, May 11 on the Med Rec Dashboard titled “Methotrexate Review with Status of Open.”


Methotrexate Review Dashboard Item-- 11may17


An intervention of “Methotrexate Review” will be automatically generated for any home dose of methotrexate entered with a frequency other than weekly or twice weekly. If an intervention is created for a patient, please review home med indication and frequency of this medication and update HCS History as appropriate. As a reminder, methotrexate should never be given daily for non-oncologic indications and daily dosing should always be evaluated.


Once this review and HCS update is completed, modify the status of this intervention to “Complete” to remove the patient from follow up on the HCS Dashboard.


The Sentri7 CRITICAL Methotrexate Alert will remain to capture inpatient doses of methotrexate while this new Dashboard method will aid in capturing incorrect dosing on home medications and prevent the possibility of continuing an incorrect frequency at discharge.


Please contact me with any questions or if you encounter any issues with this dashboard item. Thank you.



Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS

Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead

Huntsville Hospital


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