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10/19/21 gk New Vanco note type -- vanco quick note
November 4, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 8:18:51 AM
Subject: New vanco note type -- vanco quick note

Up to now, midnight rphs have been exempt from having to write an initial PKS Vanco note due to the time required and workload issues.  This has led to duplication of work as the following day rph does not know the source of the initial dosing and what crcl was used, and the calculations would have to be done all over again.  Frustrating to do all this just to find it appears midnights did use the calculator with a similar crcl and all the work just completed was duplication.  The UB6 is in a similar situation where evening workload in the ED is consistently higher than during the day and they are pressed to complete a vanco note on all new starts.  To alleviate these situations, a new vanco note type has been created, the vanco quick note.  In addition to the current 3 dot phrases you see when starting a vanco note, a new dot phrase has been added, the '.vancoquick'.  Activation of the dot phrase reveals a statement that PKS has initiated vancomycin and a more detailed note will follow in the AM.  The rph can then paste in the calculator results and sign the note.  The purpose of this note is two-fold.  It informs the MD that PKS has dosed the vanco, and provides a place to quickly paste calculator results.  The rph taking over the vanco the next day would follow up with a complete initial note (indication, prescriber, HPI, etc.)  This new note type was designed with midnights and the UB6 in mind, but anyone can use it if the situation warrants.  For non-midnight/UB6 rphs, this should be a very rare occurrence.  Let me know of any issues.

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