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10/12/21 gk IV access information and TPN
November 4, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 12:09:52 PM
Subject: IV access information and TPN
IV Line Access Type and TPN

Lines Tubes Drains and Dialysis setups

Determining the type of IV access (central or peripheral) and whether that line can be used for TPN is essential when initiating TPN.  In Cerner, their are multiple ways to find IV line information for a given patient.  The purpose of the two attached documents is to provide some consistency in how RPhs retrieve such information, while giving the RPh the freedom to use the way that works best for their work environment.  
One of the tip sheets begins with the Initial Setup of PowerChart to view line information.  Hopefully, you already have the correct setup configuration, but instructions are included if you do not.  Once setup is complete, the tip sheet goes on to describe the various ways to find Line/Tubes/Drains information.  A  best practice is recommended, but other ways of viewing information are presented, along with advantages/disadvantages of each.  The tip sheet also provides setup information for viewing Dialysis information (more on this with a future tip sheet).
The second document attached assumes you have found the information and aids in interpreting the line description and applying it to TPN.   
The contents of these documents will be condensed and included into NSS Training Materials in the near future. 
The impetus for all this was a Safety Event involving TPN being ordered by an RPh through a line not intended for TPN.   But this information can be used for many other scenarios unrelated to TPN, so we're sending out to all RPhs. 
I hope you find this information useful.  Let me know of any issues.
Thank You,

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