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10/6/21 jr Drug Therapy duplications with perioperative/anesthesia orders
November 4, 2021

From: "Jerry Robinson Pharm.D." <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 7:28:06 AM
Subject: Drug therapy duplications with perioperative/anesthesia orders

Use caution when discontinuing duplicate PowerPlans and orders when the duplication is caused by perioperative orders/anesthesia orders, this can include IV fluids, pain management, endocrine management, etc.
Anesthesia orders (excluding PCAs) should be for a limited time period and should be discontinued once the procedure is complete, generally discontinued by PACU or the patient's nurse if done outside of PACU. 
Some key points:
- If verifying perioperative orders that leads to duplication on the profile, do NOT remove the duplicate medication that is intended for ongoing management of the patient.  
- Verify the current Anesthesia orders ONCE the patient is in the procedural area (same as current practice).  
- Discontinue the procedural orders POST procedure (generally by PACU or the receiving nurse).  
- During profile review, if you see duplicate medication orders that were Anesthesia related, investigate if these orders are needed and remove if appropriate. 
Thanks for your ongoing efforts to keep our patients safe.

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