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10/5/21 hj Boxed Epinephrine 1 mg/10 mL syringe
October 12, 2021

From: "Hannah V. Johnson (Pharmacy)" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 11:59:51 AM
Subject: Boxed epinephrine 1mg/10mL syringe - 10/5/21

Boxed epinephrine syringes are currently on shortage, so we will begin conserving our current supply. Starting today at HH Main, Pharmacists will add 2 boxed epinephrine 1 mg/10 mL syringes and 4 "EPI Kits" when refilling ADULT code trays. Pediatric code trays will continue to have 4 boxed epinephrine syringes and ZERO "EPI Kits". 
The premade "EPI kits" will not be tagged with Kitcheck tags. We have adjusted the Kitcheck settings to complete a scan (AKA obtain a green check mark) for a shortage range of 1-6 boxed epi syringes. Please visually verify the correct amount of epinephrine are in each tray when refilling them. 
The EPI kits are located ONLY in the code tray area at this time, not on our carousel. If the PAR of our EPI kits drops below 30 the Z1* (weekdays) and UD (weekends) position will replenish these kits whenever they are tagging other kitcheck items. Please have a pharmacist verify correct drug/contents prior to making new kits to replenish stock. Supplies for the kits are located on my desk and the kit contents are listed below. 
At this time, we are NOT replenishing RPH code bags or pyxis with EPI kits. More information to come if that changes. 
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
EPINEPHrine 1 mg/10 mL kit instructions:
Kit Contents:
EPINEPHrine 1 mg/mL 1mL vial (Protect from light bag)
NS 10 mL vial
10 mL syringe
18G needle
2 alcohol swabs
Pre-printed EPI syringe label
The kit contents are contained in a plastic bag with instructions on the outside:
**EPINEPHrine 1 mg/10 mL KIT**
withdraw 1 mL from EPINEPHrine 1 mg vial into syringe then dilute contents of syringe with 9 mL NS for total vol 10 mL
Final syringe conc: 1 mg/10 mL (1:10,000)
On the outer plastic bag, place a sticker with the earliest expiration date.


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