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9/30/21 gk Note Type dropdown
October 4, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2021 8:09:01 AM
Subject: Note Type dropdown

Effective this morning, you will notice changes to the progress note Type dropdown.  The dropdown list had become quite extensive, so we've done some consolidation.  For example, for vancomycin you will see one option in the dropdown for adult vancomycin note.  Activating that note Type will open up a note with 3 dot phrases.  Choose the appropriate dot phrase for the type of vanco note desired, and the template will be activated.  The same has been done for warfarin, TPN, etc.    We have also moved all the adult progress notes to the top of the dropdown, PEDs notes underneath.  Other than that, the notes should work the same as always.  Let me know of any issues.
You will also see a new note Type,  NSS Enteral Management.  Jerry is working on NSS and the dieticians all sharing the same note Type for documentation of TF management.  The dieticians are currently testing the new note Type.  Jerry will be sending out more detailed instructions once testing/modifications are complete.  Feel free to explore the note, but realize it is in the testing stage.
Have a great day!

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