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9/24/21 sh COVID Vaccine for INPATIENT use
September 27, 2021

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 4:05:11 PM
Subject: COVID Vaccine for INPATIENT use

While we are NOT promoting the widespread use of COVID vaccine in our INPATIENT population, we do have the ability to provide the vaccine for inpatients that are due their 2nd dose while they are admitted. We can also provide a 1st dose if requested by a physician in some situations.


Quality Management will facilitate the administration of the COVID vaccine to INPATIENTS. This service will only be available MONDAY – FRIDAY 8 AM – 4 PM. For same day administration, Quality Management must be notified of the vaccine request Monday – Friday by 1 PM.




  • The MD must place an order for the COVID vaccine in Cerner.
  • PFIZER is the preferred COVID vaccine for inpatient use.
  • MODERNA COVID vaccine will only be administered if the patient is due for their 2nd dose and it will only available on Wednesdays. If the patient is not here on a Wednesday, they will not get the vaccine as an inpatient. 
  • If you receive an order for the COVID vaccine Monday – Friday 8 AM – 1 PM, please verify the order in Cerner and instruct the NURSE to call Quality Management at 5-2745 and ask to speak to Joycelyn or Chad. Leave a message if they are unavailable.
  • Someone from Quality Management will verify that the patient qualifies to receive the vaccine and will deliver the vaccine and required paperwork (consent form, vaccine fact sheet, and vaccine card) to the nursing unit.  
  • If you receive an order for the COVID vaccine anytime other than Monday – Friday 8 AM – 1 PM, please reject the order in Cerner and inform the nurse that the vaccine will only be administered if the patient is still admitted Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4 PM and only if Quality Management can be notified by 1 PM. The reason for this is so that the order will not be overlooked or forgotten. 
  • Only verify rejected COVID vaccine orders Monday – Friday 8 AM – 1 PM and always call the nurse to have them call Quality Management at 5-2745 and ask to speak to Joycelyn or Chad.
  • Patients receiving their 1st dose of PFIZER vaccine in the hospital will be instructed to return to the John Hunt Park Community Vaccine Clinic in 21 days to receive their 2nd injection.
  • If the COVID vaccine cannot be administered prior discharge, the patient should be instructed to go to a vaccine clinic in the community.
  • DO NOT dispense the PFIZER or MODERNA vaccine directly from Central Pharmacy or PSP. Quality Management has access to a supply of vaccine that they will be pulling from. 
  • This service is NOT available at Madison Hospital.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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