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9/23/21 js New Clozapine REMS
September 27, 2021

From: "Jonathan W Spry" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 12:55:35 PM
Subject: New Clozapine REMS
cpmg-rxguide-clozapine-pharmacist guide v0_05 clean

The Clozapine REMS program is about to change to not only a new website but a completely new REMS program altogether (do not ask me why...).  This means that everyone needs to be re-enrolled in the REMS program in order to be able to certify dispensing to patients.  The process this time to enroll is different and I will have to invite everyone individually to be able to enroll in the REMS program.  I will be doing this over the next couple of weeks so be on a lookout for an e-mail from the Clozapine REMS program.  I have attached the training material to this e-mail so that you can self train and be familiar with Clozapine dispensing (nothing has changed from last time that I noticed).  On another note I am not sure how patient certification will take place in the future because the new REMS program does not take effect until mid November.  For now, continue to use the original Clozapine site for all patient certification.  Let me know if you have any questions and be looking for an e-mail from the REMS program.  

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