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9/9/21 mb INPATIENT Administration of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Combinations
September 13, 2021

From: "Madeline Belk" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2021 3:35:52 PM
Subject: INPATIENT Administration of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody Combinations

Good afternoon pharmacists, 

HH Administration is now allowing the inpatient use of COVID-19 monoclonal antibody combinations (bamlanivimab/etesevimab and casirivimab/imdevimab). In special circumstances when the patient is hospitalized for something other than COVID-19 (i.e. heart attack, fall, etc.) but is incidentally found to be positive, inpatient administration of the monoclonal antibody combinations will be permitted. This is in accordance with the FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and national guidelines (i.e. NIH, IDSA). Orders will be evaluated by AMT and patients will be screened using the HH Criteria for Use, which aligns with the FDA EUA. This applies to adults and pediatric patients 12 years or older weighing 40 kg or more. 

If you receive an inpatient order for one of the COVID-19 monoclonal antibody combinations, please contact the Antimicrobial Management Team:

  • Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 3 PM – Call AMT or COVID-19 Hotline at (256) 469-8560
  • After-hours – Email patient information (patient name & FIN) to AMT at

For further clarification, the after-hours process that was previously sent out is no longer applicable. Please follow the instructions above if you receive an order before 7 AM or after 3 PM. Again, this is for inpatient administration (does not include Main ED or W&C ED).

Please contact AMT or the COVID-19 Hotline if you have any questions concerning the monoclonal antibody combinations. 


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