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9/8/21 dc Monoclonal combo products
September 13, 2021

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Cc: "Greg Lochner" <>, "Stacy Langford" <>, "Cheryl Case" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 4:25:28 PM
Subject: Monoclonal combo products

Yesterday, we clarified the use of the Regeneron and BAMLA/ETE monoclonal antibody combos with HH Admin. Please see below for approved venues for administration of these products. This may all change soon with the Regeneron product going on allocation and new administration sites being considered.
  • Can give the Regeneron monoclonal SQ (IV infusion is OK, also, but their lack of space has led them to seek to administer the SQ form there)
  • Must meet all criteria for use in the EUA
  • Can use the REGENERON Monoclonal or BAMLA/ETE IV infusion (for now, use BAMLA/ETE for IV orders in Main ED or ED OBS at Main since it has to be admixed by PSP)
  • Can use the Regeneron monoclonal SQ
    • if no IV access AND
    • prescriber feels patient will not go to Fever & Flu Clinic for infusion
  • Must meet all criteria in the EUA in either situation
  • May use Regeneron monoclonal or BAMLA/ETE IV infusion
  • Must meet all EUA criteria
    • must not be admitted for treatment of COVID nor have progressing COVID symptoms
    • presence of COVID is an incidental finding
As always, please feel free to contact one of us in Pharmay Admin or call the PharmID COVID hotline if you have questions. Again, this is all subject to change based on supply. DAVID

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