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9/1/21 je IL-6 / Monoclonal Antibody Clarification
September 2, 2021

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 3:35:39 PM
Subject: Re: IL-6 / Monoclonal Antibody Clarification - *ADULTS*



We have received several questions from the adult nursing staff asking if they are allowed to give sarilumab to inpatients.  This confusion is coming from sarilumab being classified the same as Regeneron. This is due to the fact that both products are monoclonal antibodies, but act in very different ways to treat COVID and are approved for administration in two different settings of care.  Unfortunately, several doses of sarilumab have been delayed due to the nurse thinking they are not able to give "monoclonal antibodies" to inpatients.  


When conversing with the nursing staff it might be helpful to discuss sarilumab/tocilizumab as an IL-6 inhibitor, or an immunomodulator / immunosuppressant instead of a monoclonal antibody. If you receive a question from nursing asking if they can give sarilumab/tocilizumab please let them know it is approved for inpatient use.


Also, consider referring to the outpatient monoclonal antibody infusion as "Regeneron Monocolonal Combo" to help reduce confusion regarding this outpatient therapy.


Education will be going out to nursing to further clarify these issues in the very near future.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


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