Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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8/26/21 jh Message Center for TOC pharmacists
September 2, 2021

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "grp tocpharmacists" <>
Cc: "pharmacy it group" <>, "Karol Jones" <>, "Cynthia Parker" <>, "Greg Jones" <>, "Prabhu Malachi" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:14:12 PM
Subject: Message Center for TOC pharmacists

Hey all,

For eRx Routing Errors (NewRx or CancelRx) in Message Center, the “From” Pharmacy hyperlink opens a window that will tell you which prescription had a problem.

Note: the “Sent” field is when the prescription error occurred.  We asked Cerner for more clarification, but it appears both the “Sent” and pharmacy phone number fields are blank in the detail screen.  The Date/Times you see under the Sig include any Stop Date/Time and when the last height and dosing weight were documented.  Hopefully this helps a bit in reviewing and acting on these error messages.  But since none of these messages include Cancel Denials, I can understand that a lot of you check Additional Info anyway as part of workflow and call to confirm cancellations.


Here is some extra information about Message Center:


You probably want notifications icon enabled so you can see a counter of new messages.  I’m not sure how well it refreshes.


If you do not see this icon, click on View -> Toolbar -> Navigation Toolbar -> Notifications Toolbar


At the moment, it appears for pharmacists all eRx Routing Errors are sent to the base “Messages” folder of your Inbox.


We receive two types of eRx Routing Errors:

  1. New prescription errors/failures (NewRx) = “Prescription routing temporarily unavailable”
  2. Rare.  Must resend, call in, or print prescription.
  3. CancelRx errors/failures = “Cancel Rx could not be sent.”
  4. More common, as only ~85% of ePrescriptions from Huntsville Hospital are sent to pharmacies that accept electronic cancellations.  Percentage should keep increasing over the next few years.  Must call pharmacy to cancel.


After opening a message click “Launch Orders” to open a window with the Orders part of PowerChart.  From there, you can access the Snapshot, Query, and Discharge Reconciliation like normal.


Like Patient Lists and MPTL when you select a message, the patient name appears in the top right corner and you can click the name or jump into any section of their chart from the dropdown. 

Right clicking a message and choosing Message Journal allows you to see all messages that have ever been sent on that patient, including messages sent to others, but only the message text I think (and not the prescription details).  Adjust the timeframe/refresh as needed:


If you have many messages tied to patients, click “Select Patient” after selecting one to show messages only you have received for that patient.  It can be toggled on and off, or refresh out of it.


Please let me know if you have any feedback or concerns, and Thank you for everything you do.  From not having the prescription details upfront (and therefore visible from Message Journal) to not having the pharmacy phone number or getting Cancel Denial notifications, this is not the easiest thing to work with and it’s something we’re asking Cerner to improve.

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