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8/27/21 dc Regeneron monoclonal
September 2, 2021

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 12:02:04 PM
Subject: Regeneron monoclonal

There was a COVID medical staff meeting last night and one of the discussion topics was the Regeneron monoclonal antibody. It was decided that we will strictly follow the EUA and only administer the drug to OUTPATIENTS. Currently, the sites for infusion are Fever & Flu Clinic, ED, and ED obs. Other infusion sites MAY be added soon, staff permitting. The drug is NOT to be administered to INPATIENTS, even those who may have come through the ED but are now admitted. Please do not verify or prepare this drug for inpatients. If the physician is insistent, please call the Pharmacy COVID hotline or me (cell # below). 
NOTE: failure to follow this (or any EUA) may result in us being ineligible to order further doses of the drug.

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