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8/24/21 cs Patient Lists and MICU Double Occupancy
August 25, 2021

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 3:50:33 PM
Subject: Patient Lists and MICU Double Occupancy

Hey everyone, 
I wanted to let you know that we started double bunking in MICU today. Please be aware that it will only be rooms 12, 13, 15, 16. Please update your patient lists in order to see the beds (A/B).
Instructions: Patient lists -> customize columns -> select "bed" and move to the right column -> save. This will then display the bed for you to differentiate double bunked patients. Note: it will not work for the G. Belzer lists at this time. 
Please utilize your HRO principles and take a S.T.A.R. moment to help prevent multiple types of errors that can occur when caring for patients in those semi-private rooms. Let me know if there are any questions.

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