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8/19/21 ja Employee Masking and Covid-19 Vaccination - Additional pharmacy info
August 25, 2021

From: "Jack Adams" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 1:32:40 PM
Subject: Employee Masking and Covid-19 Vaccination - Additional pharmacy info

As you all know, our hospital is very busy taking care of covid patients. We're also struggling to take care of these patients due to a reduced workforce. It's important to do all we can to stay healthy so we can continue to care for our patients, and to also do what we can to stop the spread of covid by being vaccinated.


There are new prizes as an incentive... please see the Pulse page for details. UAB announced yesterday that they are requiring all of their employees to be vaccinated. Our hospital is NOT taking that step yet, but updated masking and vaccination policies are now in effect. 


To further address the bullet points below for those who are not fully vaccinated:

  • Wear masks at all times unless eating or drinking. During lunch or break times, you will need to separate from other employees by socially distancing.

Some suggestions are the cafeteria patio, lunch tables at Plaza under the tram, the patio area outside the ground floor of BMT, in your breakroom if you're alone or away from others, in conference rooms alone or away from others, and other various places. The cafeteria will be leaving seating open on later shifts to ensure there are areas for you to eat.

If any employee or area does not have a place to safely eat, please let us know and we'll find a space. 

  • We are all subject to periodic covid testing. A manager/supervisor may send any employee who is exhibiting signs or symptoms, or who has expressed concerns of exposure to be tested. Upon calling Employee Health, the EH nurse will then determine if testing is needed based on criteria. 


Please note: It is not the intention of the hospital or the pharmacy to create a list of who is or who is not vaccinated. It's our goal to use the honor system and for those who are not vaccinated to follow the policy. However, a manager/supervisor may ask an employee if they are vaccinated (but not question the reasoning if the employee is not vaccinated); or with permission from pharmacy senior leadership, they may request proof of vaccination if it is deemed necessary. 


In addition, schools of pharmacy will soon receive the announcement that all students will be required to provide proof of vaccination in order to complete rotations at HH. All vendors, including technical support, will have to provide proof of vaccination as well. BD and Omnicell will be made aware, as well as any other vendor that enters the hospital. 


Thank you all for working so hard, supporting your co-workers, and doing what has to be done to care for our patients. 

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