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8/20/21 je Sarilumab a Tocilizumab Alternative (ADULTS ONLY)
August 25, 2021

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 3:59:36 PM
Subject: Fwd: Sarilumab a Tocilizumab Alternative (ADULTS ONLY)

As many of you have heard, tocilizumab is in very short supply and we are expected to run completely out today.  We have been able to acquire a very small amount of another IL-6 inhibitor called sarilumab.  We will be utilizing this agent to supplement or replace our use of tocilizumab during this shortage. The use of sarilumab is only approved for use in adult patients at this time. The two dosing options you could see are as follows:
  • Sarilumab 200 mg subcutaneously x 1 dose
  • Sarilumab 400 mg IV x 1 dose - this is a new dose not listed on the current IL-6 criteria for use document
These doses may be repeated if needed, but we are stressing to the ID providers that the supply of this medication is extremely limited.  Please continue to use the IL-6 criteria to determine if a patient meets the requirements to receive an IL-6 inhibitor.  
If you receive an order for tocilizumab and we do not have any supply left, please contact the provider to see if they would like to use sarilumab and if so which dose and route would they like. 
If you have any questions please let me know or call the COVID hotline.
Thank you,

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