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8/16/21 mb After-Hours Regeneron Inpatient Order Process - PEDS and ADULTS
August 16, 2021

From: "Madeline Belk" <>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 9:46:02 AM
Subject: After-Hours Regeneron Inpatient Order Process- PEDS and ADULTS
After-Hours Regeneron Order Process

Good afternoon pharmacists, 

We have been getting requests for inpatient administration of casirivimab/imdevimab (Regeneron). The emergency use authorization (EUA) specifically says patients admitted for COVID-19 are excluded from receiving the monoclonal antibody. However, we have had a couple of occasions where the patient's positive result was an accidental finding (SNF placement, testing prior to surgery, etc.). In these cases, the provider ordered Regeneron to be given inpatient because they felt their patient was at high risk of developing severe COVID-19.
Additionally, the most recent update to the EUA included post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in patients at high risk of developing severe COVID-19. If a patient were to qualify for PEP then a physician could also consider infusing inpatient (ex. high-risk individuals who may be discharged to a nursing home where there have been documented cases).
Since a lot of these requests have been occurring after-hours, we wanted to send out some education regarding what to do if you are to come across an order for inpatient Regeneron. Please see the attached document, which has steps to take once you encounter an order as well as some helpful tips. Of note, this is expected to be a rare occurrence, we just want to ensure everyone is educated about the process.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,

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