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08/06/21 ja Changes in Surgery
August 6, 2021

From: "Jack Adams" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 11:10:28 AM
Subject: Changes in Surgery ....

The number of Covid positive and PUI patients within our hospital has continued to increase. 
In order to manage better manage our volume of patients needing a bed for overnight stay, the decision has been made to cancel all inpatient elective surgery beginning Monday.
- Outpatient surgery cases which do not require an overnight stay, or a long recovery time, will continue.
- Urgent/emergent surgical cases will continue.
- This change applies to Main, Ortho, CVOR, W/C, Madison, and GMT.
Berkley will be sending out additional reminders later today regarding separation and masking requirements for safety.
Thanks to each of you for helping us take care of our patients.

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