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07/01/2021 aa Alvimopan protocol change: Update Effective Monday, July 5th
July 1, 2021

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "David Collette" <>, "grp allpharm" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 1, 2021 10:39:49 AM
Subject: Alvimopan protocol change: Update Effective Monday, July 5

Following up on this announcement with an update:


Effective Monday, July 5, some changes to the alvimopan (Entereg) discontinuation evaluation processes will be implemented.  Specifically:


  1. A Hard Stop has been applied to the alvimopan orderable to place an automatic 7 day max if a duration is not selected at time of ordering.
  2. The Sentri7 Rule has been updated so that alvimopan orders only qualify after 48 hours of being active.  Pharmacy evaluation of potential discontinuation will no longer occur within 48 hours of medication initiation.
  3. For patients qualifying for the Sentri7 rule and meeting alvimopan discontinuation criteria, a PROPOSAL for discontinuation will be submitted by the Pharmacist to the prescriber.  The provider can address this proposal in their message center and either accept or deny the discontinuation request.  Attached is a review of how to perform this discontinuation proposal through Powerchart.

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