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06/24/21 dc Pain management/opioid stewardship opportunity
June 29, 2021

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 2:16:32 PM
Subject: Pain management/opioid stewardship opportunity

With the recent departure of Karlette Stewart, we are looking for a pharmacist to spend approximately 0.5 FTE in Pain Management/Opioid Stewardship. This is not a new position, but rather a hybrid practice where you continue practicing in your current role, but work 0.5 FTE in this position. The position will be grouped with our Med Safety Team (Michele Durda and Jill Shelton) and will cross train on some of our Med Safety activities. Some of the issues to be addressed by this position include (but are not limited to):
  • Pain management activities (protocols, power plans, etc.)
  • Opioid stewardship
  • Joint Commission compliance (specifically with the pain standard)
  • Membership on multi-disciplinary committees
  • Education to pharmacists, nurses, and prescribers
If you are interested in learning more about this hybrid position or would like to apply, please feel free to contact me. With the onslaught of training this summer, it may be later this year before we are able to place the successful candidate in this position, but would like to have them selected soon. DAVID

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