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6/17/2021 gk Propoven 2%
June 22, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 12:57:37 PM
Subject: Propoven 2%

To all,

In case you've forgotten, MICU I & II, and CCU I & II have been using propoven 2% for the past several months as a means of alleviating a propofol 1% shortage during the pandemic.  The concern over a 1% shortage have waned and we have stopped ordering 2%.  Our current stock of 2% is at the point where we will no longer use the 2% in MICU I & II, and CCU II starting today.  The clin specs covering these units are in the process of changing over 2% orders to 1%, and central will be pulling the 2% from pyxis for these units.  CCU I will remain a 2% unit and use up the remainder of our stock.  We will send out another announcement when our supply of 2% is exhausted and CCU I converts back to 1%.


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