Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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6/11/2021 cs Pain Center - Cerner Go-Live
June 22, 2021

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 9:24:56 AM
Subject: Re: Pain Center - Cerner Go-Live
Pain Center Pain Pump Workflow_Modified for Reference guide

Hey guys,


I wanted to bring up one amendment to the Pain Center pain pump workflow since Cerner Go-Live. We want to make sure to VERIFY the Consult to Pharmacy Notification PC nurses enter on behalf of a physician for a pain pump instead of VOIDing. VOIDing the order removes it from the physicians inbox to sign and we want them to still sign off on the original consult order. By doing this, the Pain Pump Refill orders we place in Med Manager can then be entered as No Cosign Required. I have updated the previous workflow document to reflect that change, as well as, including some quick tips throughout (attached). You will also be able to find that updated document in the Pain Center Binders once they have been finalized and distributed. They will be located in the Q area, PSP, and Central. Let me know if there are any issues or other questions. 




Chris Squires, Pharm.D. 

Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services
Huntsville Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
Office: (256)265-4522

Fax: (256)265-2490

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>, "PharmTechs Main Central" <>, "PharmTechs PSP" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 3:50:57 PM
Subject: Pain Center - Cerner Go-Live Tuesday 6/1

Good afternoon,


With the Pain Center (Tennessee Valley Pain Consultants (TVPC)) switching over to Cerner next week, I wanted to inform everyone of the changes that will be impacting Pharmacy. With this upgrade, the Pain Center "faxback" sheets will no longer be sent via order image. Instead, those "faxback" sheets have been converted to the "PAIN Procedure Orders" powerplan, of which their nurses will be activating within Cerner. These procedural orders will be combined into one orderset, which is different from our phased procedural orders we see today (ie. Pre and Post plans will be a Pre/Post plan). 

NOTE: There will not be any Peri-op tracking tasks for Pharmacy to activate. 


In regards to the Pain Pump Refill orders PSP prepares, the Pain Center will now be inputting those orders via a "Consult to Pharmacy Notification (Pain Center Pump Refill)" (see attached reference for details of this process). Once a notification is received in the PPM, the "Q" pharmacist(s) will enter the contents of the notification into MedManager by searching for " *TVPC* " (see example in the reference). There are pre-built products in MM ending in "(TVPC)" to guide you on which product(s) to select. Once the MM order is entered and the label is created, PSP will reserve the label until the Pain Center contacts them to actually prepare the pump refill. Coordinate with PSP when these orders are received to confirm that the concentrations can be prepared and to help navigate inputting the order.

NOTE: There will not be a task generated for pharmacists to complete for this notification and the attached reference has been provided to the Pain Center. 


Additional information:

  1. Anesthesia documentation during procedures will not occur in Cerner initially, but will be added at a future date.  Therefore, intra-procedure medications administered by Anesthesia will not be visible on the MAR.
  2. As a Procedural Area, Pain Center positions have the ability to enter medication orders (which would route to Pharmacy for verification) and Ad Hoc document med administrations (which bypass Pharmacy verification).  This is the same as our current procedural areas and ED.
  3. Pain Center locations/units are located under the facility of HWC.  This is solely related to billing.  Dispense Routing has been set up for these units to route to Main Central Pharmacy and Main PSP.  Please report to PharmIT group any labels which may have been incorrectly routed to another location.
  4. All necessary PPM lists will be updated to include Pain Center locations by the end of the week.

Please feel free to reach out to Aaron Atkins or myself for any further questions or if there are any issues that arise during Go-Live. 

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