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06/10/2021 jr Nutrition labs ordered on Sunday for Monday result is changing to ordered on Monday for Tuesday result
June 22, 2021

From: "Jerry Robinson Pharm.D." <>
To: "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>, "damon dees" <>, "Anna Plotkina" <>, "Jennifer Herring" <>, "Jill Shelton" <>, "Pharmacy Residents" <>, "Kenneth Boley" <>, "Cara Bujanowski" <>, "Lindsay Hume" <>, "Hannah Matson" <>, "Morgan Sellars" <>, "Lynsi Van Oteghem" <>, "Brandy Williams" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 12:29:09 PM
Subject: Nutrition labs ordered on Sunday for Monday result is changing to ordered on Monday for Tuesday result

Starting June 14th, we are moving ordering of routine nutrition labs (weekly Prealbumin, triglycerides,  and CMP) to be ordered on Monday for Tuesday results instead of previous process.
SundaysWhen working the weekend doing NSS activities, you only need to order things for Monday that seem necessary for the patient.  
Mondays: This would mean for all TPN/Tube feeding patients that you see on Monday that has not had recent (last 3-5 days) nutrition labs resulted, please order the appropriate labs on Monday for Tuesday result
Dietitians are on board with this change as well.
Let me know if you have questions.

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