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06/08/21 jr ENTEREG - alvimopan, related results and Sentri7 updated
June 8, 2021

From: "Jerry Robinson Pharm.D." <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 11:42:37 AM
Subject: ENTEREG - alvimopan, related results and Sentri7 updated

Currently, pharmacists are authorized to discontinue Entereg once the patient has a bowel movement.
Last week, there was a patient who had a BM recorded but it was bloody; we discontinued the Entereg.
Please do NOT include these types of BMs when automatically discontinuing an Entereg dose.
To help with this:
Aaron has added 'Related Results' to the Entereg so that you can just click on the Entereg order and see bowel movement history/assessments - thanks Aaron!
Sentri7 has updated wording to remind you to look at the assessment of the BM before discontinuation.
Always use a questioning attitude when appropriate.  Discussing the patient with the nurse or the prescriber may be the appropriate step.
Please continue to submit medication errors and near misses to improve our system and protect our patients.

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