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06/03/21 kv labetalol 200 mg tablet backorder
June 3, 2021

From: "Katie Vandiver" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:14:58 AM
Subject: Re: labetalol 200 mg tablet backorder

Labetalol 200 mg tablets are now available.  All new orders for labetalol 200 mg at all 3 facilities should auto product assign to the 200 mg tablet.


Kathryn Vandiver, Pharm.D.
Women and Children Pharmacy Supervisor
Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children
Office phone: 256-265-2796
Pharmacy phone: 256-265-7620

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 6:40:41 PM
Subject: labetalol 200 mg tablet backorder

Labetalol 200 mg tablets are on backorder and our supply is dwindling.
Beginning tomorrow 5/6, all new orders for labetalol 200 mg tablets at HHM and HHWC will auto product assign to (2) 100 mg tablets. Please do not verify any new orders for the 200 mg tablets at HHM and HHWC. 
We should have enough 200 mg tablets in stock to cover any existing orders until they are discontinued.

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