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06/02/21 md Miralax for bowel prep - Power Plan update
June 2, 2021

From: "Michele Durda" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 9:45:54 AM
Subject: Miralax for bowel prep - Power Plan update

Click link to view this update with screenshots/images Miralax for bowel prep - Power Plan Update

This afternoon, the GI Polyethylene Glycol (Miralax) Bowel Prep Power Plan will be updated.
Due to some concerns from GI providers about inadequate bowel preparation associated with the previous 2 L Miralax regimen, the dosing instructions have been updated.

* If Golytely is ordered for an ADULT patient for bowel preparation, please enter the Miralax substitution regimen using the updated Power Plan to ensure appropriate dose timing and instructions.
Search 'Miralax' and the Power Plan will be easy to find:
Key changes:
1. Split dose regimen (default doses scheduled for 1600 and 2000 the day before the procedure)
2. Volume increased to a total of 4 L
3. More comprehensive instructions provided for nursing; accommodates available product sizes (12 oz cans of sports drink and 20 oz cups)
4. The Power Plan also offers an alternative dose schedule of 1600 the day before the procedure and 0400 the day of the procedure. If the provider enters the regimen himself/herself, he/she can select this alternative option if desired.

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