Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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5/27/2021 cs HH Main UB6 and UB 11 Deployment Update
May 28, 2021

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>, "PharmTechs Main Central" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 3:21:33 PM
Subject: HH Main UB6 and UB 11 Deployment Update

Good afternoon,

Based on staff feedback and review of workload, we have updated the current deployment of our UB 11 and UB 6 positions. Starting MondayJune 7th we will shift our UB 6 hours to a 1230-2300 time frame vs 1330-0000. The UB 11's ED coverage responsibilities from 1130-1330 will be removed and the ED pharmacist will now cover until 1230. The UB 6 will begin managing the ED at 1230 and receive any handoffs from the pharmacist covering the ED in the morning vs. a triple hand off (ED/UB 11/UB6). UB 11 lunch coverage will be the MICU-II/STICU pharmacist(s) and the UB 6 lunch coverage will be the pharmacist covering the ED. Lunch coverage should begin around 1345. Communicate with your coverage pharmacist(s) when you take your lunch and when you return. The UB 6 will continue to aid the midnight pharmacists from 2200-2300. Additionally, the Q4 and te will be reclassified as the UB 6 assist. Those positions will continue to cover the UB 6 when there are traumas/codes/heart alerts/etc, as well as, assist during times of large order volumes in the ED. Attached you will find the updated deployment document for reference. 

Review of Changes:
-UB 6 shift hours: 1230-2300
-ED pharmacist coverage until 1230 with any pass offs to the UB 6
-Removed UB 11 ED coverage (1130-1330)
-UB 6 lunch coverage: ED
-UB 11 lunch coverage: MICU-II/STICU (coordinate with both pharmacists)
-Q4 [UB 6 assist]
-te [UB 6 assist]
-UB 6 MN assist 2200-2300

Given that our "te" position will be in a collapsed status due to staffing constraints well into the Fall, the position will often be considered a "Q4/te" starting in Central at 1130 and the UB 11 will report to Central at 1530 to further aid in those responsibilities including the UB 6 assist. The UB 6 assist pharmacists will primarily need to work out of the "wkHH Main T t Qw" queue in order to manage all necessary units including the ED.

When working the ED in the evenings, please coordinate any necessary breaks with the "assist" pharmacists in Central and ensure they do not overlap with any of the batches. If the evenings become extremely volume heavy in any location, please reach out to a fellow unit-based pharmacist for any additional support. As always, please let me know any feedback!


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