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5/21/2021 ks Morphine and Dilaudid Comfort Measures Infusion Power Plans
May 25, 2021

From: "Karlette Stewart" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 12:01:22 PM
Subject: Morphine and DIlaudid Comfort Measures Infusion Power plans
Tip Sheet HOSP Dilaudid Comfort Measures Infusion

Tip Sheet HOSP Morphine Comfort Measures Infusion


Good afternoon,

The morphine and Dilaudid comfort measures power plans have been updated, and both will go-live on Monday, May 24th.

The updates were made to address provider concerns with the rapid titration parameters and potential for unnecessarily high doses of opioids. The names have also been changed to remove the ICU designation since both power plans may be used outside of the ICU's. Please note, the updated power plans are for adults requiring COMFORT MEASURES, all other infusion titration parameters (i.e. ICU analgesia, ad hoc infusion orders, etc.) will remain the same.

  • HOSP Morphine Comfort Measures Infusion
  • HOSP Dilaudid Comfort Measures Infusion


The changes are quite significant so please take time to review the attachments for more details and pharmacist tips for verification. The changes are the same for both power plans, the only differences are medication dosages.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


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