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04/12/2021 aa Pharmogistics First Dose Interface (HH Main Only): Important Notice
April 26, 2021

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 4:09:27 PM
Subject: Pharmogistics First Dose Interface (HH Main Only): Important Note

Attention: Pharmacists Verifying for Patients Located at MAIN Units


We recently went live with an interface at HH Main which sends Initial Dose and Extra Dose requests directly to the carousel to assist with correct and timely product selection.  So, when you verify an order with an ‘Initial Dose’ or print an ‘Extra Dose’ label for an order/product that would be supplied by the carousel (Dispense From: Medkeeper Central), this picks the item directly based on the MedID associated with the product.

At time of verification, if you do not wish a label to be printed OR for the item to be picked directly from the carousel, please ensure the Initial Doses field on the verification screen is set at 0.  If a printing copy is changed to “0” (through the Printing.. button) but the Initial Doses remains >0, then an initial dose will be picked from the carousel without a Cerner label, which can present some confusion within HH Main Central Pharmacy.  Thank you.

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