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04/23/2021 md New PAL Care Subcutaneous Infusions PowerPlan
April 26, 2021

From: "Michele Durda" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 12:36:28 PM
Subject: New PAL Care Subcutaneous Infusions PowerPlan

A new PowerPlan is available for use by Palliative Care, PAL Care Subcutaneous Infusions :
  • Will be used for patients requiring parenteral therapy for symptom management, but do not have IV access
  • Contains orders for continuous subcutaneous infusions to be administered via subcutaneous catheter
    • Maximum volume rate is 2 mL/hr
    • Drug concentrations higher than typically used for IV infusion
    • Dispensed in syringes and administered via PCA device
  • Contains orders for intermittent subcutaneous injections to be administered via subcutaneous catheter
    • Use same products as IV push administration 
  • Nurses have been trained on the subcutaneous catheter and administration techniques

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