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4/08/2021 js Vancomycin Checklist
April 12, 2021

From: "Jonathan W Spry" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 8, 2021 7:42:34 AM
Subject: Vancomycin Checklist

Fellow pharmacists,
   Hello all!  Just a quick note to inform you of a couple of changes to our vancomycin verification process that will take effect on Friday April 9th.  Due to several QRR issues involving vancomycin verification it has been decided that a checklist would be useful on initial vancomycin verification to aid in making sure no pertinent steps are missed.  The two changes involve the initial vancomycin note in Cerner and the vancomycin calculator.  
The initial vancomycin note will now appear as follows:

Before clicking on vancoinitial below please ensure the following:

-H&P and MAR has been reviewed to determine if/when previous vancomycin doses  administered (including ED, home, other facilities) 
An appropriate regimen is entered ensuring the start date/time is correct and supplemental doses or early start to maintenance regimen is noted in drug comments upon order entry
-Daily vancomycin consult is active in Cerner

After completing vancomycin task please ensure the following:

1. Task marked as complete under consult tab
2. Patient marked as reviewed for the day in Sentri
3. Dummy order voided/discontinued
4. Admin note created (if applicable) to pass on pertinent info


                                                     PKS – VANCOMYCIN INITIAL NOTE

The text will not be in red; that is just for emphasis sake. As you will see in the text, the intent is to use the checklist and then delete it before beginning on your initial note.  This does not pertain to daily progress notes.  
The 2nd change involves a popup in the vancomycin calculator with a similar checklist.  The checklist will appear when the calculator is opened but will disappear from view when an age is entered or you click to another box on the calculator beside the age box.
As stated above, these changes should happen starting this Friday!  Have a great day!

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