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3/29/2021 gk Update to TPN spreadsheet
March 30, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>

Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 3:31:45 PM
Subject: Update to tpn spreadsheet

You will now get a popup reminder if you change the Total Volume and/or Rate in the ingredient column of the Adult TPN spreadsheet.  We've had some issues with these values being changed on the spreadsheet, but then not updated on the verification screen. This leads to discrepancies and confusion.  Since Total Volume and/or Rate is not something we change all the time, it is easy to go through your normal workflow and forget to update all fields.  We are working on the opposite process i.e. you update the verification detail screen (Total Volume and/or Rate) and having a popup reminding you to also update the spreadsheet.  Stay tuned.

This will take affect on any new tpn spreadsheets starting todayMonday.  Spreadsheets already in use will not produce the popup.

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