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3/24/2021 ksv Heparin Power Plan Updates
March 29, 2021

From: "Katie Sims Varner" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 3:57:29 PM
Subject: Re: Heparin Power Plan Updates

A few heparin follow-ups:
1. We had some issues yesterday/overnight where prescribers entered heparin drips in a planned state thinking that they had been initiated. We have updated the power plan, so it will now default to be initiated when it's initially ordered. Thank you to everyone who reported this issue and worked with prescribers to get it resolved!
2. If you are entering a heparin power plan to start in the future, you should be entering the whole power plan to start in the future and not just the drip. These power plans contain several lab orders that are timed based on this start date/time. Please see attachment for instructions on how to adjust the start date/time. Spoiler alert: you'll need to go to the power plan itself, not the subphase.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

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