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3/23/2021 aa Statins Standard Dose Times Change to 2100
March 24, 2021

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 4:05:10 PM
Subject: Statins Standard Dose Times Change to 2100

On Friday (March 19, 2021), a change was implemented on statin medications (exclude lovastatin) to have a standard dose administration time for ‘DAILY’ frequency to be 2100 instead of 1700.  This created some confusion where prior orders were actually updated to this new time as well, which was not expected.  These prior orders did not send updated times to Pyxis.  As a result, Pyxis displayed a dispense time of 1700, but the MAR listed a task time of 2100.


We have updated the prior orders today so that Pyxis has the new dispense time.  This should be resolved going forward.  Please let us know if you encounter further issues.


We apologize for the confusion that resulted from this change.  Thank you to Joseph Ho and Brandy Williams for reporting this odd behavior.

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