Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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3/8/2021 bs IMPORTANT Updates
March 17, 2021

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 3:47:31 PM
Subject: IMPORTANT updates

I'm putting a few IMPORTANT updates in a single email... please review all bullet points below. 


Temperature Screening

Effective immediately: Visitors and employees no longer have to have temperatures monitored. Thank you all for complying with that directive while it was active.


Self Service Parking Update

Eligibility is now open to the next seniority group with a date of hire between 1994 to 1999. This selected group will have access to the program through their "Custom Applications" on 3/8 at 6am through 3/21 at midnight. All eligible employees must select, even if you prefer to remain in your current assignment. More info on Pulse.


Employee Handbook 2021

The newest version of the employee handbook is available on Pulse - Hot List. 

The major changes reflected in the handbook are summarized below.

  1. HIPAA Investigations:  Investigations by the Privacy Officer of HIPAA violations is narrowed to events that occurred within the last six months (HIPAA:  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, page 9).
  2. Diversity and Inclusion:  Equality has been added to our values (Diversity and Inclusion, page 11 section and within the Standards of Behavior (page 79).
  3. The Social Networking Policy has been updated.  Employees should take a mandatory CBL to help the employee understand the policy changes within the next 90 days (page 11). 
  4. Masks/Face Coverings:  Language regarding the hospital’s policy on masks has been included in the Employee Dress, Uniform and Appearance Policy (page 22).
  5. Hair: Mainstream hairstyles such as Mohawk fades are approved.  Extreme hairstyles and colors such as blue, green, or purple are not permitted.  Employee Dress, Uniform and Appearance Policy, page 23.
  1.  ETO (effective March 28):  There are four changes to the Earned Time Off plan (page 64).
    1. New employees will begin to accrue after 60 days of employment;
    2. The cash-out policy has been revised;
    3. ETO balances will be split into 2 banks:  Previous Years (PY) accrual and Current Year accrual (CY); and
    4. The cash value of an employee’s ETO hours will be displayed when logging into Custom Apps.  

If you have questions about any of the points above, including the ETO changes, feel free to ask me or your supervisor. 

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