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03/02/2021 cs Post-Op Floor/ICU Recovery
March 2, 2021

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 4:02:14 PM
Subject: Post-Op Floor/ICU Recovery

Good afternoon,
We've had some questions in regards to ANES post-op orders and I wanted to clarify how pharmacists should handle those situations. 
Generally, if a patient has active ANES orders on the floor or if a patient is NOT actively being recovered post procedure, the ANES orders should be discontinued. 
For COVID+ patients that are actively being recovered on the floor or in an ICUpharmacists should NOT discontinue the ANES orders and will need to verify the ANES orders if not already done. 
If ANES orders appear in your PPM or you find a powerplan still active with Sentri7, the best practice for pharmacists would be to contact the floor/ICU nurse to see if the patient is being recovered or if the ANES orders should be discontinued. Please do not discontinue ANES powerplans without confirming the patient has been recovered. If a patient is recovering outside of a procedural area, please make a note for follow up to ensure the ANES orders were appropriately discontinued post recovery. 
To address the post-op recovery question from Huddle, there are non-COVID related instances that patients are recovered in STICU and NICU.  If a nurse contacts you in regards to verifying ANES orders in an ICU secondary to them recovering the patient, it is ok for the pharmacist to verify the ANES orders. The PACU nurses and NICU/STICU nurses have been asked to contact pharmacy if they hear a patient will be recovered outside of the procedural areas or if they need ANES orders verified.
Thank you for your time and hopefully this clarifies any questions on the matter. 

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