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2/11/2021 as Inhaled Epoprostenol (Veletri) for ARDS in Adults
February 12, 2021

From: "Alexis Skarupa" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 3:49:34 PM
Subject: Inhaled Epoprostenol (Veletri) for ARDS in Adults
Inhaled Epoprostenol Protocol - Final

Tip Sheet - Inhaled Epoprostenol-Pharmacist Version



A new PowerPlan and dosing guidelines have been developed for inhaled epoprostenol (Veletri) for ARDS. This powerplan will go-live Monday, February 15thThis is going to be a coordinated effort between Pharmacy and Respiratory Therapy.

Epoprostenol (Veletri) is a synthetic analog of prostacyclin that increases cAMP and causes vasodilation. Currently, at Huntsville Hospital, epoprostenol is administered via the intravenous route only. The injection may also be aerosolized for inhalation to produce selective pulmonary vasodilation. 


Inhaled epoprostenol MUST be ordered through the "ICU Inhaled Epoprostenol for ARDS" Powerplan. It is restricted to pulmonolgy/medical intensivists in the MICUs (4MST/4NE). Respiratory therapy will be responsible for titration of the drug, and they will be following the attached guideline for use. 


The PowerPlan will be used ONLY in 4MST/4NE. 


**Inhaled epoprostenol is dosed on ideal body weight, rounded to the nearest 5 kg**.

It will be the responsibility of the pharmacist to ensure that the correct weight is entered into Cerner in MedManager. This information is also listed in an order comment as a reminder. A tip sheet is attached that will be available on FormWeb for your reference. It shows the most appropriate way to enter the order and how it will appear on the MAR Summary. Reminders will also be annouced in Huddles.  


Inhaled epoprostenol has other indications as well. Use of inhaled epoprostenol may been seen in other areas of the hospital in the coming months after P&T approval. 


Please let me know if you have any questions about this new process. Thank you! 

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