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2/10/2021 W&C Pharmacist Opportunities
February 11, 2021

From: "Katie Vandiver" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 4:13:40 PM
Subject: W&C Pharmacist Opportunities

I am excited to announce that we have 2 new pharmacist opportunities at W&C!
We will be creating a pediatric pool of pharmacists (similar to the oncology pool at HHM) to serve as back-ups to the clinical specialists in the Neonatal ICU, Pediatric ICU and Pediatric floor.  Each of these units have structured, multidisciplinary rounds that the pharmacists participate in daily in addition to order verification, NSS/PKS consult and discharge medication reconciliation (Peds floor) responsibilities.  Not all of the pharmacists in the pool may cover all of these areas, but we need to have cross coverage capabilities.  Ideally, we would have at least 4 pharmacists in the pool (not including the 3 clinical specialists).  There will be an initial training period and competency assessment along with yearly competency assessments.  Interested applicants will be interviewed and chosen based on skill level and capabilities.  This opportunity is not a clinical specialist position or replacing a clinical specialist position.
The second opportunity is available to pharmacists interested in cross training at W&C.  W&C clinical pharmacists cover adult and pediatric order verification, consult initiation and follow-up in addition to central pharmacy and IV room dispensing responsibilities.  Training will cover all of these areas and can be tailored to suit the needs of an individual pharmacist.  Interested applicants will be interviewed.
Please let me know by Friday, February 19 if you are interested in either of these opportunities or if you have questions about them.

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