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2/5/2021 Hospice IPF Standing Orders Update
February 5, 2021

From: "Andrew Koehler" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Alicia Wright" <>
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 8:53:32 AM
Subject: Hospice IPF Standing Orders Update

Hospice Standing Order Set IPF

Hospice Family Care Inpatient Facility has an updated process for the standing order set and activating the initial orders when a patient is admitted to the facility.

When a patient is first admitted, the hospice nurse will receive an order from the physician for the standing order set. The nurse will then use a check mark by any orders that will be activated and entered in NetSmart. Any orders that are not to be used during the stay due to allergy/inappropriateness will be struck through on the form. Any additional orders activated from the standing order after the initial orders will still be transcribed to a green sheet. This will allow us to be able to discern the time and sequence in which new orders are activated.

Pharmacy is still responsible for verifying that the activated orders are appropriate and have been entered correctly in NetSmart.

This change will save time for nursing and pharmacy by reducing the amount of orders that have to be transcribed to a green sheet and will help cut down on errors made during that step.

Please see the attached order set and let me know if you have any questions.

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