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2/3/2021 dc PropoVEN 2%
February 4, 2021

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 3:55:23 PM
Subject: PropoVEN 2%

Propoven Flier

Propoven SOP

Most of you have probably heard that we are going live with PropoVEN 2% in the MICUs and CCUs on 2/9/21. Info has been posted to Pulse and I have attached our SOP and an educational flier for this process. We will be doing further department wide education later, but I wanted to start with this group.
As stated, this product will only be used in the CCUs and MICUs at Main. The only other place it should ever be, outside of Pharmacy and these units, is a procedural area where a patient from MICU/CCU already receiving a PropoVEN drip is taken for a procedure. Other ICUs, procedural areas, and EDs will continue to stock the 1% product. Please help education your nurses that, unless they are in MICU/CCU, they generally should not see this product.
There is a CBL that everyone who could be scheduled to work in CCU/MICU should complete: E-PH6060120 Propoven 2% infusion. The product will be loaded on Monday 2/8 and we will transition patients over to PropoVEN on Tuesday 2/9.
Please let me know if you have any questios. DAVID

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