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2/1/21 bs Buy/Sell policy
February 1, 2021

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 1:17:49 PM
Subject: Buy/Sell policy
Buy-Sell Guidelines

I've attached our updated Buy/Sell policy. I want to make sure everyone is aware that we do not loan or borrow from other institutions, even amongst our affiliates. All movement of drugs from one site to another is handled by selling or purchasing the product. 
Please review the attached policy and be aware of how to handle situations when other hospitals, clinics, or stores call to ask for assistance. 
In summary:
1) We do not loan/borrow outside of our three Madison County hospitals. In the case of Madison we do buy/sell. That process is managed by picking drugs going to Madison from the carousel and choosing Madison Hospital as the destination.
2) We may sell and purchase to/from our affiliates when the drug is needed emergently, the policy gives instructions on how to do this, as well as our current list of affiliates. It's important that we buy/sell at GPO and Luona documents for 340b regulatory purposes. 
3) We only sell and purchase to/from any other non-HH hospitals, clinics (including TCC and CCI),  for true immediate medical emergencies. Policy contains instructions. 
Please let me know if you have questions.

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