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2/1/21 dc PROPOVEN education
February 1, 2021

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 11:19:39 AM
Subject: PROPOVEN education

PROPOVEN 2% 100 mL will be used in the CCUs and MICUs at Main, beginning Tue, Feb 9, We are doing extensive education for these areas, but all units that use propofol should be aware that this product is in use at HH.


PROPOVEN 2% should not be used outside these areas. If a 2% bottle if found elsewhere, it should not be hung and should be returned to Pharmacy ASAP. The 2% bottle has a yellow background and red lettering for the drug strength, so it is easy to spot. There will also be a DOUBLE STRENGTH sticker across the flip top.

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