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04/18/17 RC -- adalimumab (Humira) loading dose order set update

The updated adalimumab order set for loading dose in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is now available on Docushare. The main change is elimination of benefit verification by hospital based social workers- this will now be done by nurse practitioner/MD office staff in outpatient setting. The nurse practitioner will also initiate paperwork to provide a home health nurse in the outpatient setting. The dose does not have to be held pending benefit verification anymore. However, the dose still must be held pending the results of diagnostics for TB (i.e. TB skin test, chest x-ray, or QuantiFERON Gold) and the Hepatitis B panel if ordered. The TB diagnostic may be deferred if that specific diagnostic has already been recently completed. Let Richard know if you have any questions about this revised version.

Humira order set

adalimumab (Humira) monograph

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