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1/20/21 cs Critical Hydralazine IV Shortage
January 21, 2021

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>, "PharmTechs Main Central" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 2:56:22 PM
Subject: Critical Hydralazine IV Shortage

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to give an update on the IV hydralazine shortage. We received a good supply of this product in today; however, this medication continues to be on backorder. With no return date currently known, we will continue to reserve the supply of use of IV hydralazine to our OB patients and non-profiled/procedural areas (see David's previous e-mail below). 
If a scenerio comes up where there are no other alternative options appropriate for the patient or the patient isn't responding to any of the alternative options already given, you can then contact the provider to inform them of the back order and get a "once" order for IV hydralazine if neccessary. 
We will continue to update everyone on drug shortages as they arise. If you notice any medications that appear to be approaching a low supply in any area, please let your supervisors, Keith, or leads know as soon as it comes up. 

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