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1/15/21 gk Update to Clinical Specialist Positions
January 18, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 2:27:20 PM
Subject: Update to clinical specialist positions

To all,

Effective with the 1/24 schedule, the clin spec designations at Main of N1, N2, D1, D2, etc will no longer be used.  They will be replaced with the ICU that position covers.

D1 will become SICU
D2 will become MICU-2
N1 will become CVICU
N2 will become CCU-2
Z1 will become MICU-1
Z2 will become NICU
The ED, ONC, and AMT designations already in place will remain.
CCU-1 will be a new designation.

A good place to view an example of these changes would be Schedule Anywhere.  Other locations which will be updated just prior to the 24th include:

1. Ascom contacts
2. Clin Spec Coverage Sheet on FormWeb
3. PPM in Powerchart
4. Patient lists in Powerchart
5. Aionex

Let me know if I've missed someplace needing an update or of any issues with the change in nomenclature.

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