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1/11/21 gk How to print or create a PDF of a PowerPlan
January 14, 2021

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>

Subject: Fwd: How to print or create a PDF of a PowerPlan

You may already be aware, but thought I'd forward this on from joseph.  If you've ever wished you could print off a PP and share with others, this might be the ticket.  Or if you know of another hospital that has Cerner and has a PP you wish you could see, this may work.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Gregg Knowles" <>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 9:56:12 AM
Subject: How to print or create a PDF of a PowerPlan

Hey Gregg,

Sending this in part because I keep forgetting how to do it myself:

To generate a PDF of a PowerPlan in MOCK or PROD to review or share:

Open the Discern Reporting application (from Storefront or PowerChart) and then search for and run “ Individual Plan Report ”.  Once you pick the PowerPlan you want, click Execute and you can then print/save as PDF

These are used during Downtime but we haven’t advertised them to providers because we want them to continue using PowerChart.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this.  It might be good for the clin specs/residents to know this when helping review PowerPlans but I’ll defer to your judgment.

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