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1/06/21 md Bed Changes
January 6, 2021

From: "Mary Dang" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 10:55:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: bed changes


Please see bed updates and changes below from Berkley....double check patient's name/DOB/MRN. Central pharmacy and "Q" areas … aware of any patient orders that are entered for Pre-op 3 (HORR) and HORP.

4MST beds 1-4 are starting to double bunk (put two patients in each room) and will call them Bed 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, etc. There is talk of expanding beyond the four rooms. Cerner has been addressed and Andrea is doing what she can to consolidate drugs so she can load more propofol, etc. It's already pretty packed in there, so this may become a challenge when/if they move beyond the four extra beds.  

Other units are starting to move to semi-private rooms, so you'll begin to see more A and B room. Today, 388 and 389 went semi-private.  

As you know, 6MST has four ICU beds. There were plans for 5MST to do the same... it was decided to try the double bunk 4MST plan first, but they may come back around to this and may end up doing the same on other MST floors.

Pre-op 3 is HORR and you guys are already watching that side, so that's good. Nothing really new. However, a patient on HORP had consults today and spent the night last niI recommend you guys make sure they are on the verification/label printing radar in the event this happens again.

Also, 4MST now has two patients in room MI004. They are in there as MI004B and MI004C. If you'll recall, the normal one bed was MI004C. Registration is talking to MICU to ensure they are transferring the existing patient to MI004A. I mention this because it could happen again with the other room.

When communicating with staff, please be sure to reiterate to pay attention to name and DOB rather than room number to ensure we don't make errors based on all of these moves and changes.

Pre-op 3 has been holding recovery/ICU patients for longer than usual and it sounds like there are plans for them to continue this practice, but maybe increase the time they keep the patient and maybe the number of beds. I've asked Chris to investigate and let us know what's going on. Andrea did some Pyxis maneuvering yesterday to get them better set up. Pre-op 3 now has profiled Pyxis and PACU-1 does not.  

Please let me know if you have questions, I've forgotten something or someone important, or if you need me to assist in any way!

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