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12/23/20 dc Propofol
December 23, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "christina crawley" <>, "Allison Guyton" <>, "Maggee Kyle" <>, "Kathryn Adcock" <>, "patrick" <>, "Emma Strickland" <>, "Brittney Shippee" <>, "April Williams" <>, "Jonathan Spry" <>, "Amanda Ouzts" <>, "Adam Sawyer" <>, "Nellie McKee" <>, "Jeremy Ray" <>, "sharon baty" <>, "richard cramer" <>, "gregg knowles" <>, "jerry robinson" <>, "mary dang" <>, "michele durda" <>, "jonathan edwards" <>, "mickala thompson" <>
Cc: "Jack Adams" <>, "Berkley Sykes" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 10:14:03 AM
Subject: propofol

Propfol remains in VERY SHORT SUPPLY and we are only getting a very limited amount of the product, especially the 100 mL bottles. Please encourage the use of the lowest effective dose and recommend discontinuation as soon as not absolutely needed. We are seeing record vent use across the system and it is likely that this shortage will continue into the new year.

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