Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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12/21/20 dc Pharmacy employees may now sign up for COVID-19 vaccine
December 22, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 3:58:38 PM
Subject: Pharmacy employees may now sign up for COVID-19 vaccine

The Pharmacy Department has been approved to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine! Before everyone rushes to sign up, we need to make sure that we do so in a manner that does not result in too many people from one group being away from their work area at the same time. Therefore, please read the instructions below thoroughly and help ensure an orderly process:
EVERYONE: Access the sign-up link via the Pulse page, choose Applications, then HH Custom Applications, enter your universal logon (same as Time and Attendance login), select Huntsville Hospital Covid schedule, choose the month and year (and hit submit), click on your preferred date, and choose an available time from the drop down menu. DO NOT HIT SAVE WITHOUT READING THE NEXT SENTENCE...At this point, if you are choosing a day/time that you are NOT scheduled to work, go ahead and hit save and you are done; if you ARE scheduled to work that day, find your functional area below and act as instructed: 
  • TOC, PSP, HHWC, Madison: work with your manager/supervisor to choose a mutually acceptable day/time for your vaccination
  • UB: Prior to Saving your time slot in Custom Applications, please enter your name into the Google Sheet at You will need to enter your name in 1 hour blocks.  Example: if you see an available appointment in Custom Applications for 0700, you would enter your name in three consecutive boxes (e.g., 0700, 0720, 0740) and then Save your appointment in Custom Applications. If all slots for a particular day/time are full, you must choose another day/time.
  • MAIN TECHS: Prior to Saving your time slot in Custom Applications, please enter your name into the Google Sheet at You will need to enter your name in 1 hour blocks.  Example: if you see an available appointment in Custom Applications for 0700, you would enter your name in three consecutive boxes (e.g., 0700, 0720, 0740) and then Save your appointment in Custom Applications. If all slots for a particular day/time are full, you must choose another day/time. If all slots for a particular day/time are full, you must choose another day/time.
  • OUTPATIENT: Prior to Saving your time slot in Custom Applications, please enter your name into the Google Sheet at You will need to enter your name in 1 hour blocks.  Example: if you see an available appointment in Custom Applications for 0700, you would enter your name in three consecutive boxes (e.g., 0700, 0720, 0740) and then Save your appointment in Custom Applications. If all slots for a particular day/time are full, you must choose another day/time.
NOTE - it is only necessary to sign up on the Google doc if you signing up for a vaccine during a time when you are scheduled to work; otherwise, simply use the sign-up in Custom Applications on Pulse.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask your supervisor, manager, or me. DAVID

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