SMH Medication Formulary
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Medication Formulary Resources . . . Drug Information . . . Healthcare Links . . . Black Box Warnings . . . Chemotherapy Resources . . . Medication Safety . . . Drug Shortages . . . Clinical Calculators . . . Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidelines . . .
SMH Medication Formulary

FormWeb Users Guide

Pyxis Security Responsibility Acceptance Agreement
(Print, complete and forward to Pharmacy to request access to Pyxis.)

Pyxis Troubleshooting Guide


Formulary Information

Formulary Additions & Deletions
(Newsletters containing Recent formulary actions taken by P&T Workgroup and approved by the Medical Executive Committee)

Request to use Non-Formulary Medication
(Print, complete and forward to Pharmacy to request use of a non-formulary drug for a specific patient.  Drug will NOT be added to SMH Formulary.)

Request to add a medication to SMH Formulary
(Print, complete and forward to Pharmacy to request a drug be added to Formulary.)

“Do Not Use” Abbreviations (SMH)


Dosing Tools

Aminoglycoside Dosing by Levels (Global RPh)

Aminoglycoside Dosing Toolbox Global RPh)

Antibiotic Use Guidelines (Johns Hopkins)

Clinical Calculators  

Creatinine Clearance Calculator (Global RPh)

Drip Rate Table Creation Rule (Global RPh)


Weights and Measure Conversion Chart 

Xigris Dose Calculator


Drug Information

Dialysis of Drugs 2008

Drugs Removed by Dialysis

Dietary Supplements (FDA)

Do Not Crush List

Do No Crush Guide to Drug Adminstration via Enteral Feeding Tube

Do Not Use” Medical Abbreviations (ISMP)

Do Not Use” Abbreviation List (The Joint Commission)

Drug Identification (Imprint Codes)

Drug Interactions (Med Facts Pocket Guide)

Drug Interaction Checker (Drug Digest)

Drugs and Lactation

Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation

Drugs which may cause Fever

Drugs which may cause Hyperglycemia

Drugs which may cause Neutropenia

Drugs which may cause Thombocytopenia

Drugs with Black Box Warnings 

FDA Drug Safety Alerts

FDA MedWatch Program

Global RPh

Grapefruit Interactions

Herbs, Botanicals and Other Products 


Look Alike, Sound Alike Drugs (The Joint Commission)

Look Alike, Sound Alike Drugs (USP)

Look-Alike, Sound-Alike Medications (USP Article May 2007)

Medical Dictionary (CancerWeb)

Medical Dictionary (MedicineNet)

Medications of Fall Risk 

MedLine Plus 

Medline Plus Patient Information

Narcotic Analgesic Equivalency (Global RPh) 

Narcotic-Type Analgesic Comparisons

National Drug Shortages (ASHP)

Neonatology on the Web

Nursing Drug Handbook

Oncology Regimens

Pediatric Growth Charts

Potassium Content of Often Used Drugs 

Pregnancy Calculator

Relative Potencies and Equivalent Doses of Corticosteroids 

Sodium Content of Often Used Drugs 

Substances which May Discolor Urine 

10-Year Heart Attack Risk Assessment Tool (Adult Treatment Panel III)

10-Year Heart Attack & Stroke Risk Assessment Tool for Women (Reynold’s Risk Score)

The Joint Commissions National Patient Safety Goals 2009

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals 2008

TPN Calculator (Global RPh)

TPN Resource / Educational Information

Universal Protocol for Preventing Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, Wrong Person Surgery™ (The Joint Commission)

Vaccines and Immunization Information (CDC)

Vaccination Schedule for Adults (CDC 2007-2008)

Vaccination Schedule for Children and Adolescents (CDC 2008)


Drug Shortages

National Drug Shortages (ASHP)

FDA Drug Shortages


Healthcare Links

American College of Clinical Pharmacy

American Diabetes Association

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists

American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

FDA Medication Bulletins (CDER homepage)

Global RPh

Institute for Safe Medical Practices (ISMP)

ISMP Medication Safety Alerts: Nurse Advise-ERR

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy

Medline Plus

Medscape Hematology-Oncology Resource Center

National Guideline Clearing House

National Institutes of Health

National Library of Medicine

National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)

Oncology Related Websites

Poison Control 1-800-222-1222

Power-Pak C.E.


The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

US Pharmacist

US Pharmacopeia

This site is intended for the staff of Slidell Memorial Hospital.
While others may view accessible pages, Slidell Memorial Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
as to the use of this information outside of Slidell Memorial Hospital.